Monday, May 29, 2006

the kids, they love the jon dee graham

jon dee smokes american spirit blue cigarettes. he smokes a lot of them. his songs, which cover a lot of ground, starting in dark corners, swelling to majestic bluffs, and receding back into the crevices of battered hearts, are sometimes too long for jon dee to wait until they are done to blaze up another smoke. his voice sounds like cancer. it's deep and gravelly, and it rumbles over lyrics like a mudslide. it's changed a lot since his days with the true believers. it's gotten a little deeper, and a little slower, but it commands attention and demands respect. maybe that's why my four year old boy loves to listen too him. "his voice is scary daddy," he told me one night while listening to "the great battle." "he sounds like a bad man," he said. "but he's a good man isn't he?" he asked. i reassured him that you could not determine the character of a man by his vocal stylings, but i did let him know that as far as i was concerned, jon dee graham is a wonderful gift.
  • jon dee on the world wide web

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

    12:34 PM  

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